I have reached the point in the project that I have had to purchase a few bits and bobs to move me along in the process. I would like to throw in a plug for a company that anyone rebuilding a Jeep should go to for parts. The company is Kaiser Willys
(1-888-648-4923). These guys have everything you need short of a new frame. You can really purchase everything you need from these guys, they have a solid depth of knowledge about older Jeeps, and they are very friendly.
Now on the important stuff... I made one of the most important decisions in my life recently. I decided to replace the reverse threaded studs in the hubs with another set of reverse thread studs. Yes, I know that by not adopting the modern method of having all wheel studs loosen and tighten in the same manner that I have had to give up several things. Yes, I know that I have given up the 15% boost in horsepower, but this is a small price to pay for originality. :-)
I am going to make a huge push this weekend and try to get the front and rear end under the frame. I have been telling myself this for several weeks now, but I mean it this weekend. Really, I do. Stop looking sideways at me like that. It will happen.
I threw in a picture of a tire swap that I did on Mike's kart. Mike now has rally tires on his kart! Let the hooning begin!
Enjoy the photos.

Oh, and I made these!