Saturday, October 15, 2011

A cleanish garage

The last month or so has been quite a slog. I have had quite a few $5 parts fail or break on me, but things are starting to shape up a bit. I have however discovered that the front end is dripping gear oil at the dif gasket and the pinion seal. This is a bit upsetting seeing as I have put many hours into the front end along, but I can replace these parts without a lot of effort.

I have the front and rear end under the frame again and I must say that I am proud. There are a number of rough edges on the bumper that require new metal being welded in, but I am ready to move on to this phase of the project. As a matter of fact I am ready to move on to any other phase of the project that does not require me to touch grease. I do not mind oil. You can pour oil over my head and I would not care. However, grease sticks to everything and smears onto tools and before you know it your garage is a hazmat zone. I am proud to say that my garage is now much cleaner than it has been.

Enjoy the photos!


Your daily hoon!

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