However, I was able to get a few things accomplished that I have not posted. These photos are several weeks old. I just have not had the time to do anything lately and I feel that I will have to put in some overtime on the Jeep soon. The good news is that I think that I have sold/swapped parts from the 1966 CJ5. So far it looks like I will get the frame, motor, transmission, transfer case, and springs out of the yard very soon. I will get a bit of money for the springs, but the rest will be swapped for a F-head, transmission, and transfer case. I know that the F-head does not work but I can snag parts off of it as I need them. It is my greatest hope that the transfer case and transmission are in good condition and that I can save $300 on a rebuild kit!
Enjoy the photos! See if you can figure out which photo Mike took for me.

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