I was able to get a bit of work done on the frame this weekend. I plugged my in-ear buds, turned the volume up to max, (this completely defeats the purpose of wearing ear protection, but if you are going to go deaf you may as well rock out.)and rocked out to AC/DC. A grinder is a very loud tool, and you know that you are rocking out appropriately when you do not hear the grinder very much and you are not worried about your neighbors hearing your rendition of "Hells Bells".
Overall the frame looks like it is in pretty good shape. I will continue to use a wire wheel and a grinder to clean it up. Next will be welding in some sheet metal so that I can "box in the frame". This is simply taking the "C" channel of the frame and adding an extra wall to give the old girl a bit of rigidity.
Sorry for the brief post but I have a boat load of things to do. My only other regret is that I do not have a more destructive process to rock out to!
Enjoy the photos!